America is in the beginning phases of opening up and getting back to work. From factories large and small, they are finding ways to get businesses back to normal.
As things have been moving in that direction, President Trump has unveiled Guidelines for Opening Up America Again. This will be a three-phased approach, based on the advice of public health experts. These steps will help state and local officials when re-opening their economies and getting people back to work while continuing to protect American lives. This 'phase-in' approach will begin to get businesses moving and help the country's economy head in the right direction.
Some states have begun to move this process even faster. In Tennessee, customers will be able to sit down for meals in restaurants starting Monday. In Missouri, "almost every business" will begin to re-open. In Idaho, churches and other places of worship could be unlocking their doors.
All along, the commercial transportation network has been helping millions of businesses who were affected by this pandemic. Truck drivers have become the backbone of the country, working hard to keep our economy and supply chain moving forward. It is because of this that we want to support you, the driver, with our special offers.
These blockbuster sales and special offers will be going on until the end of May. Act now and take advantage of these huge discounts.
Looking to learn more about our Tarping System or our service partners? Don't hesitate! Our specialized sales team is here to answer any questions you might have. That is why our motto is 'Running Through Walls'. Call today: 1-877-999-8277