Recently Tarpstop had a chance to work with The Right Direction and help with creating the rain tarps that would be used in conjunction with their ramps and jumps. We were overjoyed with the result since this turned out to be one of the projects where you could actually see the effects of what we built in action with the children.
"The Right Direction is an amazing program, by bringing kids out of a classroom and into real life character-building situations we are giving them the opportunity to want more for themselves. We believe our action sports programs: BMX, scooters, skateboarding, motocross & wakeboarding are some of the best way to develop resilience, self-reliance, and community give back.
Through The Right Direction over 1200 kids in Wood and Lucas County have gained hours of enrichment, built strong mentor relationships, become graduates and learned to believe in themselves. Our Mission of teaching kids life skills through action sports has resonated strongly this season."
- Don DiBartolomeo
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- Provided 6 free Skateboard and BMX, Skate and Scooter contest in conjunction with Bowling Green Parks and used each event as a successful food drive which will raise over 1200 lbs. of food for local pantries
- Was a part of several fundraising activities including events for Caly Cares, Children’s cancer patients & Helmet safety
- Helped kids develop curriculum’s and instruct reduced cost summer camps from June through August for BMX, Skate and Scooters in conjunction with Bowling Green Parks
- Generated over 4000 hours of community service
- Provided helmets for over 300 kids as a part of our after school helmet safety programs
- Staffed instructors to Ohio Dreams Action Sports for their summer programming
- Created a scholarship program to send over 20 kids to camp this season.
Check the The Right Directions website for more events
June 24th
Sand Tastic Levis Commons DEMO
3201 Levis Commons Blvd, Perrysburg, OH
July 1st
Freedom Fest Springfield twp
July 22nd
Lallys Board Bash DEMO
6629 Hwy 110, Napoleon Oh