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When owning your own trucking company one of the most crucial parts of the business is determining profitability. Although it may seem obvious, it can be a very daunting and complicated process. Tracking money in and money out is a key part to calculating revenue and profit per mile. This will help determine you company's financial health.
Tarpstop, a Toledo-based tarpaulin & load covering company for the trucking industry, will be hosting a grand opening at the newest location in North Jackson, Ohio on May 23rd. This newest location is meant to make Tarpstop more accessible to their customers that have had to travel from the East Coast.
Toledo native and operator Trey Newlove will be managing and overseeing the new
This year the annual International Road check for 2018 has been announced and it will take place from June 5 to June 7. It is a three-day inspection event that happens across North America. According to the CVSA, during the 72-hour period, an average of 15 vehicles are inspected every minute.
The focus of International Roadcheck 2018
Although inspectors generally conduct Level-1 inspections, each year the CVSA also puts extra emphasis
Soon to take effect on December 16th, 2017 will be the new ELD or (electronic logging device) mandate. With this new rule drivers will no longer be required to keep and maintain paper logs. They will, however, be required to maintain supporting documentation and submit them to their carrier or, for owner-operators, keep them on file. The new mandate, however, will not apply to drivers of vehicles built before the year 2000 — a change made from 2014’s
June 6th through 8th is sure to be an interesting time. The CVSA will be conducting its 30th annual International Roadcheck. Make sure that all your tags are properly showing their load limits and that everything is strapped down correctly. They will be checking everything from brake systems, cargo securement, coupling devices, driveline/driveshaft, exhaust systems and more. This year the CVSA will have a heavy focus on cargo securement. That was
Some of the most dependable securement straps to use when transporting cargo are Ratchet Straps. Unfortunately, due to sharp corners and constant rubbing these straps are usually some of the first items that need to be replaced. However, with proper care and minimal effort, a well-made ratchet strap can be utilized for years. Below are a few tips that we have put together on how to maintain your
According to the Federal Motor Carrier Safety Administration, when transporting cargo there are generally three methods approved for containing, immobilizing, and securing that cargo. Additionally, specific securement standards apply for certain loads, including loads that are commonly carried on flatbeds, such as lumber, building materials, metal coils, paper rolls, etc, so be sure to research and comply with any specific requirements that may apply.