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flatbed jobs

  1. How Do You Track Your Loads?

    When owning your own trucking company one of the most crucial parts of the business is determining profitability. Although it may seem obvious, it can be a very daunting and complicated process. Tracking money in and money out is a key part to calculating revenue and profit per mile. This will help determine you company's financial health.

    Always begin this process by tracking any of

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  2. Service Your Relationship Early

    When looking to start in your flatbed career one of the first things you worry about is the cost of a rolling tarp system. All you start to see are dollar signs. After a while you feel like you just need to get the cheapest system on the market. This is where most go wrong, they look at their system and career as a sprint rather than a marathon. It is important not to just consider all the initial expenses but also the expenses you may spend after

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