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HH-66 Vinyl Adhesive Cement - Quart

HH-66 Vinyl Adhesive Cement - Quart

HH-66 Vinyl Adhesive Cement - Gallon

Availability: In stock

Excellent for sealing stitched seams, moldings, decals, dash work, and patching covers. Outstanding resistance to temperature and weather extremes. Has a storage life of one year. Adheres to PVC vinyl-coated materials in minutes and even works underwater. Has an easy application and creates durable bonds. 


Weight: 8 lbs Coverage: 100-125 sq ft.

The ultimate vinyl to vinyl cement! Exceptionally strong, waterproof, weatherproof, bonds for vinyl fabrics and most rigid plastics. Brushes smoothly, dries very quickly for efficient fabrication or repairing.

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